Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Cheer

Here's some little thoughts into the Holidays. :) I wrote a Christmas article for the school newspaper this week, detailing all the fun Christmas traditions people love to do. I added a little humor into it, because that's what I do and I think it'll be a wonderful read. 

Listed in there are some great ideas to celebrate Christmas - such as baking and decorating gingerbread houses, caroling, decorating the tree and so on. Most of you might remember the best part about being a little kid during Christmas - waking up at 5 in the morning and proceeding to jump on your parents bed until they grumpily told you to go wait by the tree and not touch any of the presents. 

We never listened. See, my parents thought it was a great idea to prevent present peeking (say that 5 times fast) by writing code names that were different each year so we couldn't just pick up a present and say it was ours. They also never associated the code name to us specifically... meaning that they didn't put something I would recognize as being me or my sister and brother. There was one particular year, where I saw the color "Orange" and thought it was me because I hated the color Orange. It was in fact, my mother who had an indifference to the color in question. 

My step mom and I would make gingerbread houses every year, but she sprayed them with some kind of preserving spray and I was unable to take out a huge chunk of the gumdrop roof top. 

Make the Holiday's special this year, friends. :) May God bless you and your family. 

Best regards,

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