Saturday, November 6, 2010


First, a quote book is something you keep for yourself, and write down quotes your friends or family says that you feel in necessary to remember. You can put in quotes from people you don't know or famous quotes, but where's the fun in that?

I have a quote book that I love very much. I don't have very many quotes in it, but I write them on both the front and the back of the page. I put mostly funny quotes in there from friends I hang out with, and there have been a couple of meaningful things that friends or family has said to me that I felt should go in there.

Its great to have a quote book, it lets you remember fun times and it's always great to look back on. You guys will have no idea what these mean, but I'll give you a few that I have in mine that are my favorites -

"You think men would be smarter since they have two heads instead of one, but they aren't. That only makes them stupider." - Sister-in-law (Joyce)

"From now until eternity I shall be known as Mr. Dangerously Large Dangling Genitals For Which He Uses For Sexual Purposes." - Zach (friend) 

"Women are perverts too! They're just better at hiding it." - Jason (friend)

"Sounds like someone is bipolar and I don't mean a polar bear that goes both ways." - Justin (ex and friend)

"Lorenzo won't go straight? Well, of course not! He's gay!" - Kayla (friend)  ... This was in regards to my car, which happened to be gay. ;) And I can't back up straight, so I blamed it on Lorenzo (the car)

"Why are you segregating your black tiles?" - Justin

"I don't consider calculus math. Its witchcraft." - Jaz (class mate)

I have a lot more than this, but it's fun to share. :) Go out and start a quote book. Pick up a notebook (I personally like the smaller ones) and bring it along with you when you hang out with some funny friends and jot down quotes. You'll love it, I promise.

Best regards,

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